We at Pacific endeavor to meet the every changing requirements of modern medicine and to provide our value customers with the type and style of products they require.
Our success as a leading Germany based multinational company in this field is due to the constantly high levels of integrity, trust, respect and conformity with all relevant national and international laws. A company code of professional behavior imploring the highest business standards defines Pacific. These standards are our obligation for maintaining professional interactions between all parties involved.
With offices on site Pacific works closely with the slaughter industry throughout New Zealand, operating its own well trained production teams to procure customized materials in total compliance with its clients' regulatory requirements.
Initially our clients’ requirements are defined into mutually agreed quality documentation (Quality procedure instructions, process instructions and SOP's). In a second step training documentation packages are generated followed by a physical on-site staff training performed by qualified Pacific personnel. Production teams are prior to the start of every new project trained, assessed and signed off as competent upon judgment by the qualified training personnel. From here on all production steps reside under our usual audit protocol, and training records are maintained and updated as required thereafter.
For a seamless documentation Pacific uses a sophisticated tracking system that contemplates the entire production process. All harvested raw material is identified, controlled and qualified, from its origin to the final product. The tracking via our (exclusive to the industry) Traceability and Tracking System “T.T.S.™” which provides us with instant, computerized-automated-scanning and historical data collection, of each and every natural product is an essential tool for the globalization of the company‘s market, that today exports with safety to numerous countries around the world.
We actively provide regular audits and on-site training performed according to the requirements of the notified body. We meet all requirements for safety, performance, and harmlessness – complying at all times with the conformity assessment required by all pertaining medical devices.
Our materials are the bases for medical device products that are ISO 9001 accredited, CE marked*, registered with the FDA in the USA and meet the requirements of the European Medical Device 93/42/ECC. Our team is dedicated to providing first class quality biological materials and premium services, and would be very pleased to supply your needs.